ჩვენ ვიყენებთ მზა ფაილებს(cookies) - რაც აუცილებელია თქვენთვის უკეთესი ონლაინ სერვისის უზრუნველსაყოფად.
ჩვენი საიტით სარგებლობასთან ერთად, თქვენ ეთანხმებით, რომ თქვენს მოწყობილობაზე მოხდეს მზა ფაილების(cookies) მიღება და შენახვა ბრაუზერის საშუალებით, რომელიც განკუთვნილია შემდგომი გამოყენებისთვის ვებ-გვერდზე აქტივობის პროცესში.

რას იძახიან ჩვენი მომხმარებელნი

It is hard to choose one Hattrick memory before the others. But me and a friend, who I met in Hattrick, organize a real life HT football tournament in Hungary every year. We also have guests from Serbia, Romania and other countries. This year, if it hadn’t been for Covid-19, we would have organized it for the 11th time - all of the last 10 were great memories. We even made a film about it!

I play Hattrick because it has become a sort of strange family to me. I've been playing since 2008 and I've met a lot of people here. Very interesting people, very strange people, all kinds of people. I think I'm still playing Hattrick because in this game I have found a lot of friends. Some of them are now very close to me and my family, they have seen my child's birth and Hattrick is still the place where I can find them.

First I played Hattrick to win, but over the years, I came to realize that reaching the absolute top wasn't going to happen for me - I'd need to spend too much time to fully understand the game and make use of that knowledge. So I stuck around because of the great atmosphere and people in the forums. Recently my interest in the game itself increased again, which made me open a team in a new league (Botswana), and I'm trying to be at least semi-competitive there.

What I like about the Hattrick community is that there are real people and you don't just compete against the computers. You play against each other, but you can also help each other in the forum and talk about everything.

What I like about the Hattrick community? Everything. I like all the help you can get in the forums about the game, but also for everything else it gives you in everyday life. Hattrick is my favorite social network.

I am one of the old users who likes to do my own research to learn how the game works. I like that this is a thing in Hattrick. Not everything should be mentioned in the rules. I also like the federations where you can have some real tight friendships. More than some friends call Hattrick a forum, with a soccer-game attached to it.

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